Westport Zoning Overlay District

Mar 23, 2023 | Latest News

Community Meeting


As part of implementing the Westport Plan (adopted in 2019), the community is invited to share their ideas and feedback regarding the creation of a zoning overlay district for Westport. This overlay would establish consistent, clear standards for new development fronting on Westport Road and Pennsylvania Avenue, addressing building height, setbacks, facade design, and land use.


The materials presented and discussed at the Community Meeting on March 29th, 2023 can be found via the following link:  WestportOverlayDistrict_PublicMeeting1

Additionally, a survey seeing input on the preliminary plans for the Westport Zoning Overlay District can also be accessed and completed via the following link. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WestportOverlay

The next Community Meeting related to this ongoing process will be in early June 2023.