Request for Proposals

Oct 8, 2024 | Bids and Proposals






The Westport Regional Business League (WRBL) was established by the businesses and property owners in and around Westport (a part of Kansas City, Missouri) in 2005 for the purpose of enhancing the economic vitality and development of the area.  The WRBL is the management and implementation entity charged with administering and overseeing the prescribed programs and improvements desired by the Westport Community Improvement District I and the Westport Community Improvement District II. The Service Area is the area inside the combined boundaries of the two Westport Community Improvement Districts as shown on Exhibit A. Providing Security Services within the service area is an identified priority.


The Opportunity

The WRBL seeks through this request for proposals process to enter into a 60-month contract with one company/organization to provide the desired services on each day of each week for all 52 weeks each year of the desired contract. The desired services must include 24-hour coverage each day.


Scope of Desired Services


  1. Management of all operations of the contractor in the Service Area to ensure operation in full compliance with all local, state, and federal laws or any such agency with jurisdiction over the Service Area.
  2. Provide fully-trained dispatch services during all hours and all days each year to: 1) receive calls and prepare dispatch logs noting the caller, the time of the call, and a general description of the topic and 2) be proactive through observation of the surveillance camera images in the prevention of crimes.
  3. Manage, maintain, and utilize the Westport Camera Program so that it remains in good working order and is utilized to its full capacity as a vital crime prevention tool.
  4. Provide Class A licensed security officers as prescribed under Title 17 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri and the Rules of the Kansas City Police Board of Police Commissioners for all armed and unarmed positions on a 24/7 basis.
  5. Always provide a visible – but reasonable – security presence in the Service Area via foot beats and/or bicycle patrols throughout the Service Area. Employees of contractor providing a visible security presence should do so in the field for not less than 7.5 hours of each 8-hour shift or 9.25 of each 10-hour shift.
  6. Provide daily door and window checks of all first-floor tenants/users and the WRBL offices.
  7. Provide site-specific training to employees of contractor working in the service area for the following: hospitality, unconscious bias, cultural sensitivity, community policing, interview techniques, tactical communications, and crime prevention technology.
  8. Provide routine and standard evaluations to contractor’s employees.
  9. Act as liaison and maintain a cooperative relationship with the Kansas City Police Department, the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office, and all other law enforcement agencies overlapping the Service Area.
  10. Respond to alarms when notice is received of an alarm sounding
  11. Serve as an emergency contact for tenants
  12. Prepare a case report for each reported incident, offense, or call for service and maintain such report for up to 7 years after any occurrence.
  13. Distribute public safety communications among businesses, residents, and organizations within the Service Area.
  14. Assist residents and visitors with directions, maps, and information about Westport.
  15. Develop and implement mechanisms to deter aggressive panhandling, public intoxication, public consumption of alcohol, public urination, intimidating public behavior, and other nuisance activity that tends to inhibit or discourage public enjoyment.
  16. Work with the Maintenance Contractor to address and discourage illegal camping, trespassing, and dumping of refuse on private properties within the Service Area.
  17. Proactively engage homeless persons within the Service Area to provide information about local and state laws and the availability of social services.
  18. Make contacts with all street level businesses and users at intervals of not less than once a week.
  19. Maintain records of expenditures and disbursements made by Contractor in connection with the services for a period of 7 years.
  20. Provide security escorts for employees, managers, and owners of businesses as well as residents of the Service Area when requested to do so.
  21. Reasonably report to the WRBL any potentially hazardous condition within the Service Area, if observed during routine security patrol.
  22. Provide visible security for the parking facilities managed by the WRBL during the hours and days when the parking facilities are offered as paid parking for the public.
  23. Operate, staff, and manage the enhanced security screening program following the terms of the agreement with the City of Kansas City on Friday and Saturday evenings during months when the program is authorized as well as any special events days so authorized.
  24. Properly transport, place, store, inventory, maintain, and protect equipment, barricades, bollards, signs, and other materials used to protect and/or instruct the public for their safety while users of the Service Area.
  25. Plan, execute, and manage the security and/or logistics for special events sponsored or endorsed by the WRBL which occur within the Service Area.
  26. Provide a quantifiable monthly report to the WRBL in a format and form acceptable to the WRBL on later than the 5th of each subsequent month
  27. Meet with representatives of the WRBL weekly at a time convenient for both to review the experiences of the past week and to discuss upcoming security needs, challenges, and/or changes.
  28. Provide through uniformed employees of the contractor all necessary services found in this RFP during all days and all hours of the major special events presented by the WRBL. Major special events currently include Westport St. Patrick’s Day Celebration (1day), Art Westport (3 days), and Westport Christmas Market (1-2 days).
  29. All employees of contractor working in the Service Area must be wearing the entire uniform (inclusive of matching shirt and pants, appropriate dark shoes, and a dark jacket during cooler weather) as approved by the WRBL during all hours of their respective shifts. Approved uniforms must be worn in such a way as to present a neat and consistent appearance for all employees of the contractor assigned to the Service Area. No other branded or logoed clothing or head gear may be worn with or in place of the approved uniforms or any components thereof.


Target Area

The service area for the delivery of the desired services is within the boundaries of the Westport CIDs in the City of Kansas City, Missouri. A map of the Westport CIDs is attached to this RFP.


The Proposal Process

The WRBL will consider proposals from all interested respondents that present adequate written evidence of the items listed below and that otherwise demonstrate significant experience in the successful delivery of security services in a 24/7 mixed-use area with high pedestrian traffic.  Six (6) copies of a complete response to this RFP must be submitted by no later than 2:00 p.m. central time on Monday, December 9, 2024 in order to be considered. Proposals should be delivered in hard copy format no later than the time noted on the due date to the offices of the Westport Regional Business League at 4050 Pennsylvania Avenue – Suite M100, Kansas City, Missouri 64111.  Proposals received via facsimile (fax) or electronic mail (email) WILL NOT be considered. Responses must contain ALL of the following items:


  1. Evidence of significant experience by the proposer in providing security services of the types desired inclusive of the beginning and ending dates of each such service previously or currently provided and a short description of the type(s) of services provided to each prior or current client listed.
  2. The credentials, qualifications, and experience of all key personnel, staff, or subcontractors that will be assigned to the undertaking if the proposal is selected
  3. A narrative description of how the identified services will be provided by the proposer along with a typical weekly schedule of services that would be envisioned to be delivered during the individual months of October, January, and June each year of the contract inclusive of the number of employees that would be employed by hour each day during the respective month to accomplish the desired scope of services.
  4. All proposals must be signed by a principal of the entity submitting a proposal. Such signature shall be preceded by a statement that the proposer understands the intended services required, the timeline for delivery, and the fact that any contract entered into with the WRBL will be an agreement with an annual not to exceed contract amount. If an individual doing business under a fictitious name makes a proposal, the proposal should so state and be signed by that individual. If the proposal is from a partnership, the full names and addresses of all members of the partnership must be provided and one principal member should sign the proposal. If a corporation makes the proposal, an authorized officer should sign the proposal in the corporate name with his or her office identified. If a proposal is submitted by a joint venture, the full names and addresses of all members of the joint venture shall be given and one authorized member should sign the proposal.
  5. A detailed line item budget for the first year of security services showing all costs for accomplishing each of the items and services identified in the “Scope of Desired Services”. Such costs detail must include all schedules for all needed materials, equipment, personnel, insurance, supplies, and all other support services like accounting and administrative/management during the first year of operation in Westport.
  6. Five references listing prior or current clients with adequate knowledge of the proposer’s service delivery experience as well as contact information for a knowledgeable person (regarding the proposer’s services) at each entity listed
  7. Evidence that the proposer has the following commercial insurance coverages in place: a) general liability insurance of at least $2,000,000.00 per occurrence and $5,000,000.00 aggregate, b) automobile liability insurance of at least $1,000,000.00 per occurrence and $2,000,000.00 aggregate, and c) workers’ compensation insurance of at least $1,000,000.00.
  8. The proposer must certify that it is not included in/on any federal, state, or local listing of parties excluded from procurement eligibility or debarment.


Disclosure of Proprietary Information

A proposer may attempt to restrict the disclosure of information that they deem protected from public disclosure law, which is contained in the submitted proposal by marking each such relevant page of the response prominently with the words “Proprietary Information”. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in response to a formal request for information, the WRBL reserves the right to release any documents if the WRBL determines that such information is a public record pursuant to the Missouri Sunshine Law. The WRBL shall have no liability to any Proposer or anyone else for releasing any Proprietary Information of a Proposer even if the WRBL is negligent in releasing or disclosing any Proprietary Information of any Proposer.



The WRBL will require that the successful respondent indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the WRBL and all of its officials, officers, or employees, from and against all claims, damages, liability, losses, costs, and expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees , arising out of or resulting from any act(s) or omission(s) in connection with the contract to provide security services, caused in whole or in part by others for whom the successful security contractor is responsible. More specific indemnification language will be included in the contact with the successful security contractor. Any contract so offered will require specific limits of insurance with the WRBL and the Westport CIDs listed as named additional insureds under the policy(ies).


WRBL is not responsible for any cost or expense that may be incurred by a proposer before the execution of a contract, including costs associated with preparing a proposal or participating in interviews.


The WRBL reserves the right to waive informalities or irregularities in proposals, to accept or reject or amend any or all proposals, to cancel this RFP in part or in its entirety, and to re-advertise for proposals if it is in the best interest of the WRBL and the intended outcome. The WRBL will be the sole judge of what is in its best interest with respect to this RFP. The WRBL reserves the right to request additional information or clarification from any respondent until a contract is offered for the desired services.


The WRBL also reserves the right to award a contract solely based on the initial proposal without interviews or negotiations. Consequently, proposals and responses should be submitted on the most favorable terms possible, from a cost, time, and scope inclusiveness standpoint. If interviews are determined to be needed, such interviews will be scheduled on a day and at a time that is convenient to the majority of the WRBL RFP Review Committee sometime during the week of January 21-24, 2020. Not all respondents may be interviewed. Notice of the desire to hold interviews will be communicated to the designated contact for those deemed responsive and adequately experienced at least two weeks prior to the date and time of the interview.


Incomplete proposals may render the proposal non-responsive.


WRBL will evaluate cost proposals for reasonableness, completeness, and realism as appropriate. Cost proposals will only be evaluated for those proposers that are determined to be sufficiently experienced based on the information submitted as a part of this RFP process. The basis for award of the contract shall be “best value” after considering the relevant experience and responsiveness of all proposers. For this procurement, all evaluation factors are of equal weight. The WRBL is more concerned with obtaining excellent security services for the service area than with making an award at the lowest overall cost/price for the service. Cost/Price will however be one of the criteria used in evaluating experienced proposers that provide relevant and complete proposals.


All responses to this RFP, along with any collateral and or supporting documents will become the property of the WRBL.


The successful proposer must be prepared to begin providing the desired security services described in this RFP no later than 30 days after the execution of a contract for security services with the WRBL – but in no case later than March 1, 2025.


The WRBL is an equal employment employer and does not discriminate based on race, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, national origin, disability, or ethnicity.


Questions related to this solicitation for proposals should be directed to the WRBL Executive Director at 816-531-4370 Ext. 2 during normal business hours each weekday.