Aug 20, 2024 | Bids and Proposals






The Westport Regional Business League (WRBL) was established by the businesses and property owners in and around the Westport Entertainment District in 2005 for the purpose of enhancing the economic vitality and development of the area.  The WRBL is the management and implementation entity charged with administering and overseeing the prescribed programs and improvements desired by the Westport Community Improvement District II (WCID). Providing Maintenance and Beautification Services within the boundaries of the WCID – including snow and ice removal-  is an identified priority.  As such, the WRBL is seeking proposals for the provision of snow and ice removal services for all public sidewalks within the WCID.


The Opportunity

The WRBL seeks through this request for proposals (RFP) process to enter into a fixed annual price contract for two years with one company/entity to provide the desired services during the period of November 15th – April 15th each year of the agreement. The desired services will be provided within no more than three (3) hours after the end of any snow event during the identified period where accumulation reaches a dept of at least 0.5 inches and before any projected ice event to prevent ice from forming on the sidewalks.


Scope of Desired Services for All Public Sidewalks Within WCID


Snow Removal

Contractor personnel will commence with active on-site snow removal services within no more than three (3) hours after the conclusion of any snow event with accumulations of at least 0.5 inches – regardless of the time of day, night or day of the week including holidays. Only calcium chloride (no mixed salts) can be used for deicing purposes. No rock salt can be used for this purpose. Snow removal must occur from all sidewalk areas noted on the attached map with sidewalks highlighted. For snow events where the accumulated snowfall exceeds 5.0 inches of accumulation, the contractor may charge more and must disclose that amount in the proposal. Each sidewalk must be cleared for at least a six-foot footpath immediately after the conclusion of each snow event. Snow may not be pushed, shoveled, or piled adjacent to a building, into any tree pits or around any street trees or sidewalk landscaping adjacent to or in the sidewalks.


Ice Prevention and Removal

Contractor will decide when deicing is needed and apply an environmentally sensitive deicer, such as Calcium Chloride, to all public sidewalks prior to an anticipated ice or frozen precipitation event – regardless of the time of day, night or day of the week including holidays. No rock salt may be used for this purpose.  Contractor will also determine if deicing services are needed during an icy event or after an icy event to prevent refreezing. The removal of ice after an ice event must also actively commence on-site not later than three (3) hours after the end of an ice event. Multiple applications of deicer may be needed when thawing and refreezing or heavy ice and snow occur.


Equipment and Personnel

Contractor will determine the type(s) and quantities of equipment and personnel needed to remove ice and/or snow from the public sidewalks without damaging the street trees, adjacent buildings, bike racks, trashcans, brick pavers, or street light poles.  Equipment and deicing materials must be on-site in Westport and in good working order at all times during the period of November 15 through April 15 each year.


Target Area

The target area for the delivery of the desired services is within the boundaries of the Westport CID II in the City of Kansas City, Missouri. A map of the WCID with highlighted sidewalks is attached to this RFP.


The Proposal Process

The WRBL will consider proposals from all interested respondents that present adequate written evidence of the items listed below and that otherwise demonstrate significant experience in the successful delivery of snow and ice removal services to older commercial  and/or mixed-use areas .  Five (5) copies of a complete response to this RFP must be submitted by no later than 2:00 p.m. central time on Friday, September 20, 2024 in order to be considered. Proposals should be delivered in hard copy format no later than the time noted on the due date to the offices of the Westport Regional Business League at 4050 Pennsylvania Avenue – Suite M100, Kansas City, Missouri  64111.  Proposals received via facsimile (fax) or electronic mail (email) will not be considered. Responses must contain all of the following items:


  1. Evidence of significant experience by the proposer in providing snow and ice removal services of the types desired inclusive of the beginning and ending dates of each such service previously or currently provided and a short description of the type(s) of services provided to each prior or current client listed.
  2. The credentials, qualifications, and experience of all key personnel, staff, or subcontractors that will be assigned to the undertaking if the proposal is selected
  3. A narrative description of how the identified services will be provided by the proposer.
  4. All proposals must be signed by the principal of the entity submitting a proposal. Such signature shall be preceded by a statement that the proposer understands the intended services required, the timeline for delivery, and the fact that any contract entered into with the WRBL will be a fixed cost agreement. If an individual doing business under a fictitious name makes a proposal, the proposal should so state and be signed by that individual. If the proposal is from a partnership, the full names and addresses of all members of the partnership must be provided and one principal member should sign the proposal. If a corporation makes the proposal, an authorized officer should sign the proposal in the corporate name with his or her office identified. If a proposal is submitted by a limited liability corporation (LLC), the full names and addresses of ALL members of the LLC shall be given and one authorized member should sign the proposal.
  5. A proposed fixed and flat cost for the snow and ice removal services desired during each of the two years envisioned.
  6. The disclosure of any additional available services and related costs that may reasonably be needed during the delivery of the desired snow and ice removal services which ARE NOT included in the fixed annual flat rate proposal..
  7. Three references listing prior or current clients with adequate knowledge of the proposer’s service delivery experience as well as contact information for a knowledgeable person (regarding the proposer’s services) at each entity listed
  8. Evidence that the proposer has the following commercial insurance coverages: a) general liability insurance of at least $1,000,000.00 per occurrence and $2,000,000.00 aggregate, b) automobile liability insurance of at least $1,000,000.00 per occurrence and $2,000,000.00 aggregate, and c) workers’ compensation insurance of at least $1,000,000.00.
  9. The proposer must certify in writing that it is not included on any federal, state, or local listing of parties excluded from procurement eligibility or debarment.



WRBL is not responsible for any cost or expense that may be incurred by a proposer before the execution of a contract, including costs associated with preparing a proposal or participating in interviews.


The WRBL reserves the right to waive informalities or irregularities in proposals, to accept or reject or amend any or all proposals, to cancel this RFP in part or in its entirety, and to re-advertise for proposals if it is in the best interest of the WRBL and the intended outcome. The WRBL will be the sole judge of what is in its best interest with respect to this RFP. The WRBL reserves the right to request additional information or clarification from any respondent until a contract is offered for the desired services.


The WRBL also reserves the right to award a contract solely on the basis of the initial proposal without interviews or negotiations. Consequently, proposals and offers should be submitted on the most favorable terms possible, from a cost, time, and scope inclusiveness standpoint. Interviews may or may not be held at the discretion of the WRBL and depending upon the number and completeness of the proposals received.


Incomplete proposals may render the proposal non-responsive.


WRBL will evaluate cost proposals for reasonableness, completeness, and realism as appropriate. Cost proposals will only be evaluated for those proposers that are determined to be sufficiently experienced based on the information submitted as a part of this RFP process. The basis for award of the contract shall be best value after considering the relevant experience and responsiveness of all proposers.


All responses to this RFP, along with any collateral and or supporting documents will become the property of the WRBL.


The WRBL is an equal employment employer and does not discriminate based on race, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, national origin, disability, or ethnicity.


Questions related to this solicitation for proposals should be directed to the WRBL Executive Director at 816-531-4370 Ext. 2 or during normal business hours each weekday.